Trust in the plan?

With 21 days remaining before I set off on the Munda Biddi trail with Richard to tackle the end to end challenge of over 1000km of mountain biking through some of the South Wests awesome bush land, I am quietly freaking out – testing the D plan is simply not working for me!

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Race and season wrap up

Final race of the season and with some success

The Sunday just gone was Round 5 of the WAMBA XCO state series and for the first time in 5 rounds, not only did my blood sugar sit pretty throughout but I also finally think my riding confidence has built to a great level – hitting those rocky gardens with power and success.

But alas with 2 more rounds left in the season, round 5 would be my final race of the season.

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Facing fears

There I was standing in front of a group of my peers at work conducting a presentation on technology in health and how my artificial pancreas system works, then there I was bare naked on the big TV screen behind me for everyone to see, there was no hiding…

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The new look diabetes toolkit

When you have had diabetes for a long time you tend to build up a large diabetes toolkit to help manage the disease, some tools work well and some get left out in the weather and don’t work so well any more.

At the end of 2017 when I was shopping at my local diabetes superstore I came across a shiny new tool which would totally change the way I manage D…

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The wheels are rolling

If you hadn’t guessed from the new name of the blog or the hints I dropped in the last blog, the Munda Biddi trail is where this story is at.

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New year, new epic goals!

With the new year comes new goals and new possibilities. This year I am going to make it epic…


It has been a while since my last post but I am glad you have decided to stick around and continue following my blog, I hope it has provided some help / inspiration / laughs…

Last year I took the year off of any crazy events and endurance stuff (aside from the city to surf half marathon), this year I have a new lease on life and epic inspiration.

In case you were wondering why your suddenly following this blog called ‘The Munda-betes epic adventure’, well its still me, Kyle but the old blog trainingT1D has been renamed as I have an exciting adventure to blog about this year.

You may have guessed it already if you know me or by the title, I will provide more info in time but at the moment I just wanted to let you know why things are changing so hold onto your pancreas because this is going to be an epic adventure and my friend T1D is being dragged along for the ride…

A helping hand…

Sometimes when we think we know everything, we actually forget the basics…at least thats how I felt this last couple of months…

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The Silence

Often I stop and wonder what other people with out Type 1 Diabetes think about in those moments of silence, you know when you’re in a nice quite peaceful environment by your self or when your head hits the pillow at night, it has been so long that I can not remember what I thought about pre-diagnosis during those quite times…

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Wow, its been a long time since my last post, I have been so busy with life that I have not had a chance to sit down and write something, however many days I have thought about certain topics I wanted to write about but never got around to it…so here goes!

Continue reading “Preperation”

Cumulative Burnout

A scary thing happened to me on Friday night, for the week preceding it I have been getting this stabbing pain in my left shoulder, higher than normal heart rhythms and episodes of shortness of breath, Friday night it all came to a head when I was taken away in an ambulance from my house…

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